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Static Control

Static Electricity is an electric charge that has built up on insulators as a result of a Tribocharging process. Tribocharging is an electrification process that enables buildup of static electricity due to rubbing or separating on the surfaces of insulators.
When materials are charged in this process, they can create a dangerous spark or attract particles from the environment to the charged material. Hence, ionizers and particle capturing systems are needed to provide workplace safety or assist in keeping products clean.
The best countermeasure to eliminate static electricity is ionization, which is the process in which millions of negative and positive ions are created to neutralize the static field. In certain settings, eliminating or reducing static electricity is all that is required. However, in places such as cleanrooms, the process of ionization may remove particulate contamination from the product or process. In order to prevent these particulates from re-contaminating the process or other product, it is critical that a method to capture the particulates is used.
CCS offers ionization and source capture solutions through Static Clean International. These solutions include static bars, fans, blowers, guns, cleaning stations, and particle capture devices.


Static bars are a very cost effective way to remove static electricity on a web of material, such as in paper, plastics, or film converting applications. 


  • Standard

  • Medium Range

  • Long Range

  • High Speed


For the most demanding applications, Static Clean offers its NEOS line of static bars. The NEOS bars monitor and react to the static charge by emitting the quantity and balance of ions to neutralize it.




Ionizing blowers, fans, and guns use the same process as static bars, but offer some distinct advantages.
Blowers and fans are used to neutralize a wider area through the use of air assist from the fans. The ions are pushed through the air to the intended target area at a much greater velocity than static bars. They can be positioned on a bench top or hung overhead.
Handheld ionizing guns use compressed air to deliver a high velocity stream of air, including ions, to a very specific area. By using compressed air, ionizing guns are very effective at removing particulate from the product.


When using ionizing guns, particulate is often blown off the product at high speeds. Removing them from a sensitive product or process is great. But were do these particulates go?
In a cleanroom, it is imperative to source capture any particulates to prevent them from re-contaminating product or surfaces.
Static Clean was the first to bring source capture products to market and remains the world's leader


Cleaning systems are another method of source capturing, but also provide ionization.
The Medical Cleaning Station (at left) incorporates shock-less static control bars and stainless steel compressed air tubes. This combination is an effective way to remove dirt particles, which are then source captured by a HEPA filtered dust collector.

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